Thursday, November 29, 2007

How do you seek the TRUTH?

For those of you who have children, interact with them and are inspired how they seek the truth, you may understand the below. For those that don't, I would be interested in your response and what your perspective is after reading this?

I have come to accept that I have a mind of about a 11 or 12 year old. Why would I say that, one would think. We'll at least at that age I am smarter than a fifth grader... I would hope:)

My thinking is at that age I was at a crossroads, most have likely have just finished elementary school and are questioning what is next. Upon reflection, I did not feel at that age I was prepared for the next step, it did not damage me, but likely did hold me back. I now have different observations. How some of my classmates dealt with this issue is different. Some were equipped to take this on and they had a quiet confidence, some shut down, some were totally oblivious, you can see in retrospect their ignorance was bliss, how did they turn out?

I know who they are, its unfortunate not all of them made it.

What is consistent is the question? What am I doing to SEEK the TRUTH? Do I Seek the truth before it DESTROYS me FIRST?

The GOOD NEWS is that you have full control of how you seek it!

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